BILS, with the support of Mondiaal FNV organised a workshop on reporting the status of decent work in RMG sector on June 19, 2019 at BILS Seminar Hall, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. The workshop was organised aiming to collect the information regarding the present status of decent work in RMG sector of four cluster area.
At the beginning of the workshop BILS Director and Project Coordinator Nazama Yesmin welcomed the participants and delivered the introductory speech in where she discussed about the objective as well as purpose of arranging the workshop. After her discussion BILS Advocacy Officer Md. Saifuzzaman Mehrab explained the process of writing the report. Participants were divided into four groups according to their area and each group prepared a report by joining in the group discussion.
Besides, FNV Consultant Md. Shahid Ullah, BILS Senior Programme Officer Chowdhury Borhan Uddin, Advocacy Officer Fariba Tabassum and a total number of 26 participants including organisers and Trade Union leaders of four cluster area (Mirpur, Savar-Ashulia, Tongi-Gazipur and Narayanganj) of SKOP, BILS and IndustriAll Bangladesh Council participated in the workshop.
Through their reports the participants highlighted elaborately the current status of decent work in the factories which are located in four cluster areas. For the betterment of the present situation and ensuring the decent work at the workplace they recommended to ensure right to form Trade Union, to cancel the partnership committee, to arrange workshop at the field level for collecting cluster based accurate information, to form monitoring committee at the national level, to provide identity card among the workers of the factories in their reports.